The proposed project focused to income generations of the most marginalized farming communities in the project areas are the Primitive tribes and other backward castes. 90% of the tribal population in the project area is landless. They are traditionally denied ownership of land and property rights due to the historical process of deprivation, exclusion based on the caste. Among the tribal’s and other backward castes, the worst affected are the women in the groups as they do not have titles to the lands. The women-headed households are further exposed to vulnerabilities as they do not have security to land tenure and they are dependent on others for their basic needs. Only 9.44% of women received any Govt. Assistance. Women received no equipment or training in Agriculture. Awareness building for agriculture and livestock farming as an income generation opportunity can be done through various strategies.
The Hans Foundation
10th October’2022 to 31st March’2024
Littipara Block of Pakur District of Jharkhand State
Tribal’s, other backward castes (especially focussed on women farmers)
To enhanced their livelihood with Agriculture and provide them local market place for selling and generate their income.
To Established Farmer ProducerOrganizations (FPO)
1600 tribal women farmers benefited directly to reduce the cost of cultivation
Increase the income level by 60%
To Promote Livestock as a source of their income.
Increase their production by 20%
Improve their food security by 20%
A total of 5 seed banks would be developed in 5 clusters which will cover 20 villages.
A total of 300 Kitchen/backyard/nutrition gardens would be developed.
There are so many stories but here mentioned is one which made us conscientious, and we were able to feel the victory of success.
As we distributed the goats at the field, the goats were kept at quarantine centres, and then further distributed after the proper vaccination. Some goats were pregnant and vaccination is not given to the pregnant goats. It’s a generous nature of the goats to get sick by emotional trauma at the time of changing their owners. Many goats got sick, our Para-vet Mr. Jitender Kumar Singh showed his whole dedication to the field to save the goats, and was able to save as many as was possible. Training and awareness were given by our team to the community slowly understood the benefits of Goat raring with following some guidelines.
One of them is Basi Paharin, who was one of the early birds to try the proper method and apply the training to her goat including vaccination process on the proper timings. ‘’Earlier many goats use to die, I was not able to cure the goat by myself when any goat gets sick, with the local medicinal plants. Then some dadas from Pravah came and in meeting they asked if we are suffering any of the issues in goat raring, they put the same issues from what we were already dealing with. At first many people got hesitated in enrolling. I and Soni bai decided to step in. Last year more than half goats died from my village, my own all goats died due after getting sick in one to two days, that time I was helpless. But now with the help of Jacob dada and Jitender dada and their training and vaccination none of my Goats died. One of my goats was pregnant, got sick. Dada-didi from Pravah helped and we saved the goat. After a few days it gave birth to two lambs, and that was the time when we felt the achievement. Earlier merchants use to just see goats and give us the rates, now we sell our goats with their weight, now we get 1000 rupees more than earlier.” -says Basi Paharin.“Now she is happy to have 9 goats healthy. She thanks Pravah for the growth in the income.”
Bhuti Pahadin W/O Mr. Jawra Pahariya, age of 40 years and living in the dense tribal area Chotta Daharlangi village of Bandu Panchayat at Littipara Block of Pakur District in Jharkhand State. Didi has a small backward area behind her house where she has built her own nutrition garden with her own interest and activeness and wanted to improve the nutrition in their meal, after the induction, in the first phase as by seeing them other can also join the drive. She has neither farming land for agriculture nor cattle for rearing. So, to increase the family income Didi start her Sag Bhaaji selling. This is the case of only one didi, who earned by selling her first lot, there are many Didi’s like her. As the production of Amaranthus shows earliest, 30 bundles were taken to Hatiya, by selling these 30 Bundles of Amaranthus (green sag and red sag) at the rate of 10 rupees per bundle, she earned of Rupees 300 from her first Hatiya day every week whereas 15-20 bundles were given to neighbours every day and earn on an average 120/- per day after cutting all the expenses, which shows that at the end of month 4080/- monthly income she earns through nutrition garden and harvested at 3 to 4 times in a week for use at home and now the whole family have a rich source of iron and nutrition sag bhaaji in their meal by taking a small step would change the life of Bhuti Didi which can make a huge change in her surroundings and now there are so many Didi’s have taken this initiative to increase their source of income along with food security and all these changes will happened with the support of PRAVAH who facilitated and motivate Didi’s.She is very happy with this change and expresses, “my savings have increased too and saved time”. “I am elated to see my family consume fresh and healthy vegetables”, says Bhuti Pahadin.