The sustainable integrated farm systems (SIFS) program is a Prabha initiative for a substantial increase of agricultural yield on the lands of marginal and small holding farmers. It focuses on the formation of community based organizations and exploring marketing potential of identified local food crops along the value chain.

The SIFS approach very meticulously incorporates crop, horticulture agro -forestry and livestock in an interactive and dependent relationship with an objective to mitigate risks, improvement in soil fertility through recycling of waste resources in an overall enhancement of nutritional security. The programme stresses upon efficient management of natural resources such as soil, water and forest for long term nutrition and fodder security for the community.

Establishment of Farmer field schools, seed banks along with proper market linkage for agricultural produce are some of the key milestones attained during the course of the project. Value addition through knowledge sharing, transfer of technology during pre-harvest and post-harvest seasons has added a fresh lease of life to the agricultural domain with a renewed vigour for intercropping and high value crop cultivation.

About Project

Project Location -Sonaraithari block in Deoghar district.
Target Beneficiaries -2000 households of 50 villages, from 3 panchayats.
Supporting Agencies -Welt Hunger Life and BMZ. NABARD and DRDA are among other stakeholders.
Focus Area -Interventions through rights based advocacy towards food and nutrition security.

40 training programs conducted on farmers field schools, mushroom cultivation, kharif micro planning and post- harvest management.
SIFS intervention has resulted in utilization of 26 acres of waste land for cultivation of finger millet and pigeon pea.
Mango, guava and anola plantation done through agro-horticulture model on 3 acres of land in the project area.
Intercropping and nutritional diversity was promoted through the setting up of 100 units of kitchen gardens in 10 villages of the block.
26 cowshed developed for efficient recycling of waste resources.
Construction of 2 ponds in the block has helped in checking water scarcity for crop cultivation.It has gone on to become a breeding point for budding village entrepreneurship in the sector of fish cultivation.
The common facility center established through the project has become the focal point of linkage for agricultural produce in the organic food category. Market linkage with Organic Farms Association of India is one such initiative.
Focussed group discussion with 40 farmers club of the area resulted in a consolidated micro level planning for Rabi and Kharif crops.

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