The project Sunehra Kal is bound to Open a new chapter in the agricultural domain of Munger district in Bihar . This Pravah initiative sponsored by the CSR arm of ITC is directed towards interventions in paddy farming, agro-forestry and vegetables cultivation through innovative technology synonyms with modern day agriculture. High crop yield at cheaper cost has been the mantra of the project. It has also provided a sustainable means of livelihood to a large group of marginal and small holding farmers.
Maize sowing techniques through multi crop planters have allowed farmers to save more than half of the investment required for sowing.
Paddy sowing through Direct Seeded Rice Method has been a landmark initiative by Pravah. Technical advancements in the arena have substantially reduced cost owing to optimal use of water, labour and time.
A total of 2000 seedlings of Mango,Sangwan and Mahugani has been planted in the core area under the flagship scheme of Mukhyamantri Krishi Vanik Yojna, Government of Bihar.
The project is an epitome of promoting environmental sustainability and ecological balance.
Establishment of group based nurseries has resulted in ensuring a constant supply of seeds and saplings to the poor and marginalized farmers of the project area. These nurseries are owned and operated by the community.
High density mango plantation done in 7 demo plots of the core area. It acts as a template to be replicated and scaled up by the farmers.
25 low cost Polly nurseries have been constructed for the poverty ridden farmers of the area.
Impetus on organic farming heightened awareness level on dangers posed by use of chemical fertilizers.
Promotion of intercropping through a three tier system of vegetable cultivation consisting of creepers, egg plants and leafy vegetables done in the project area.
144 BRLPS affiliated women farmers from 2 villages of 2 panchayats received training on ZT/seed drill and Maize sowing through MCP machines from regular Pravah workshops . Emphasis was given on adoption of technology through knowledge enhancement.
30 farm field schools have been formed with 625 student farmers graduating out of it. These farmers are the ambassadors of new age farming driven by technology and innovation.